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Admissions FAQ
Q: Should I contact faculty in advance of applying to the program?
A: No, it is not necessary to contact faculty before applying to the Program. The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetics does not direct admit students into a laboratory. Rather following admission, our first-year students participate in three laboratory rotations approximately 10-12 weeks in length. At the end of your first year, you and a laboratory mentor will come to an agreement about joining their lab for the remainder of your PhD studies.
Q: What type of funding is available for students in the Program?
A: Students in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetics are appointed as Research Assistants and are paid a stipend. Full tuition and mandatory fees are paid by the program the first year and the laboratory PI after that. Funding is guaranteed for at least five years while you remain in good standing with the Program and Graduate College. Additionally, The University of Iowa Graduate College provides a variety of internal fellowships that can support your studies. You can find information about funding opportunities at https://genetics.grad.uiowa.edu/funding. Eligible students (U.S. citizens and permanent residents) who have completed their first year of studies are also encouraged to apply for the Genetics T32 training grant funded by the NIH (T32 GM 145441). From 1997 to 2022 the Genetics T32 grant number was T32 GM 008629.
Q: I have a financial hardship, can I receive an application fee waiver?
A: We understand the unfortunate circumstances and hardships that many applicants face. To determine if you qualify for an application fee waiver visit this Graduate College website. You may also visit the Big Ten Academic Alliance website to see if you qualify for a fee waiver through their program. The University of Iowa Graduate College policy does not provide application fee waivers for international students. However, if you do not qualify for a fee waiver, the Program does reimburse application fees to those students (including international students) that are invited to participate in and complete an official admissions interview for our program after our review of applications unless federal U.S. sanctions prohibits.
Big Ten Academic Alliance FreeApp priority deadline is November 15
- Big Ten Academic Alliance FreeApp website
- Big Ten Academic Alliance FreeApp Flyer (pdf)
- Big Ten Academic Alliance FreeApp FAQ
Q: I am an international applicant and my first language is not English, what are your English proficiency requirements and do I qualify for a waiver?
A: The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetics follows the University of Iowa Graduate College Admissions English proficiency requirements which can be found here. The University of Iowa accepts TOEFL iBT/TOEFL iBT Home Edition, IELTS, and DuoLingo scores. The Graduate College Admissions web page shows the minimum score, how to send the score, and waiver eligibility requirements.
Q: Before applying I would like to know the probability of being accepted.
A: Out of fairness to all applicants, we do not examine informal applications instead, the Admissions Committee waits until all applicants can fairly be compared after their formal applications occur. Application pools vary each year and therefore we are unable to provide an estimate of the likelihood any applicant may be admitted prior to reviewing all applications.