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Registration deadline extended to April 15th!

Interested in joining the Alumni Career Panel or presenting a short talk? Please register by March 17th. 

50th Anniversary Logo

Retreat Schedule

June 12 in the Medical Education Research Facility (MERF) 
Registration opens at 3:00pm followed by lab tours and a social reception

June 13 at Brown Deer Golf Club  
Registration opens at 8:00am followed by panel discussions with alumni and former directors, student poster sessions, and alumni oral presentations

Genetics Program History

The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetics grew out of several formative years of interdisciplinary research in the field of genetics at the University of Iowa. It was approved as a degree-granting PhD program with a mere seven primary faculty members in 1975. Over the years, the program has grown to its current membership of 72 faculty members and 37 students in three colleges and 18 academic departments across campus. To date, the Program has awarded 150 PhD degrees, including twelve MD/PhDs. Since 1997, the Program has been supported by a National Institutes of Health T32 Predoctoral Training Grant, last awarded in July 2022. 

Building on an impressive track record, the Genetics Program continues to modernize, training students in molecular genetics, state-of-the-art technologies, and science communication. Collectively, these efforts meet societal needs and provide trainees with the necessary background to pursue scientific careers. We are proud of the career advancement of our alumni to postdoctoral fellowships, faculty positions at research-intensive universities and primarily undergraduate institutions, and biotechnology companies across the country and the world.

Now, more than ever, the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetics needs your philanthropic support to foster student success that includes travel fellowships for conferences and on-campus visits from leaders in the field. Please consider a donation of any size to support your community of geneticist. 

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