Julianna Koenig
Research Summary:
My ongoing research focuses on the maintenance of proteostasis in neurons. So far, I have iterated on an existing method for measuring protein synthesis in-vivo such that it can be used in neuronal cell culture to measure protein synthesis within neuronal cell bodies and axons. Using this system, I have introduced mutated forms of a tRNA synthetase linked to the peripheral neuropathy, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, and found that the mutant tRNA causes a drop in neuronal protein synthesis. This finding helps elucidate Charcot-Marie-Tooth’s unclear pathology. I have also developed a assay for the replating of grown neurons, allowing them to regrow their axons. With this replating assay, I can now examine the early period of axon regeneration in the context of various genetic manipulation and chemical insults.
Honors & Awards:
Graduate College Summer Fellowship (2023)