Fang Lin, MD, PhD
Diverse cell movements play critical roles in early embryonic development and organogenesis, as well as in proper organ function and homeostasis later in life. G protein signaling is one of the molecular genetic mechanisms that control these processes, and we are using zebrafish as a model system in which to investigate the roles of various G proteins during embryogenesis. Zebrafish is an excellent animal model for the analysis of morphogenetic cellular behaviors in the context of a developing embryo because the externally development and optical clarity of the embryos, in combination with well-established GFP lineage tracing techniques, makes it easy to monitor individual cells throughout development. Moreover, it is possible to generate large numbers of mutant and transgenic fish lines, as well as to manipulate gene activity in this system. My current projects include: 1) understanding the involvement of G protein signaling pathways in the migration of primordial germ cells (PGC); 2) investigating the roles of G protein signaling in gastrulation movements; and 3) elucidating the functions of Gbg/PI3Kg in neutrophil migration.
- G protein signaling in zebrafish embryogenesis