Emily Adelizzi

PhD Candidate
Anatomy and Cell Biology

Orofacial clefts (OFCs), specifically cleft lip with or without palate, are among the most common class of birth defects, contributing to a significant health and financial burden. Complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors contribute to the development of OFCs. Developing a comprehensive understanding of the cellular pathways and molecular regulators of palatal development is essential to enhance treatment options and disease intervention. My thesis project is focused on understanding the role of the protein Arhgap29 during palatal development and how mutations in the ARHGAP29 gene may cause cleft palate. In my studies, I utilize in vitro cell lines and in vivo mouse models as well as biochemical and microscopy techniques.



Rhea L, Reeb T, Adelizzi E, Garnica B, Stein A, Kollash A, Dunnwald E, Dunnwald M. ARHGAP29 promotes keratinocyte proliferation and migration in vitro and is dispensable for in vivo wound healing. Dev Dyn. 2024 Nov 19. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.759. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39560169.

Mohar NP, Cox EM, Adelizzi E, Moore SA, Mathews KD, Darbro BW, Wallrath LL. The Influence of a Genetic Variant in CCDC78 on LMNA-Associated Skeletal Muscle Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(9):4930. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25094930



NIH/NIDCR F31 NRSA Fellowship (2024-2026) 

Society for Developmental Biology Best Poster Award (2024) 

T. Anne Cleary Dissertation Research Fellowship (2024) 

Genetics T-32 Pre-Doctoral Training Grant (2023-2024) 

American Association for Anatomy Visiting Scholar Award (2023) 

Society for Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology, Best Poster Award, Second Place (2023) 

Society for Developmental Biology Travel Award (2023) 

Graduate College Summer Fellowship (2023) 

Genetics T-32 Pre-Doctoral Training Grand (2022-2023) 

American Association for Anatomy Travel Award (2022)

Graduate Program Student Government Research Grant (2022)